Let’s Celebrate!

Lights, camera, action! On Saturday we celebrated 245 years of service to the people of God.  Sisters Josepha Zimmer (75 years), Thecla Martens (70 years), Mary Sharon Kennedy (50 years) and Diane Naud (50 years).  God certainly loves diversity!

Each of these women has graced our Community in a multitude of ways. Their gifts cover a variety of ministries from culinary arts, hospitality, nursing, teaching to missionary outreach. It seems God has covered all contingencies.

We are a mishmash of ages and talents. Who would believe that so many women could co-exist and have never heard of “murder in the nunnery”, at least not physically. Perfect we’re not, but we are all striving for the same goal.

They say that variety is the spice of life. God looked on us and said “this is good – very good. They will leave “my” mark on the world.”

On the day of Jubilee we celebrate not only the jubilarians but the CSJ Community as a whole. Our lives are forever intertwined. There is a felt bond when we have occasions like this to celebrate.

Earlier this week we felt together the sudden loss of Sister Anne Antaya. Last Sunday morning she was theEucharistic Minister for the Sisters in the Care Centre and at three o’clock Monday morning she passed from this life into eternal life. As a Community we journeyed together through the shock and into the celebration of Sister Anne’s life.

As the saying goes “We have the whole enchilada.” We are so blessed and called to bless many. With the privileges comes responsibility. Our Jubilarians and Sister Anne have shown us the way We rejoice and give thanks. Sisters Josepha Zimmer, Thecla Martens, Mary Sharon Kennedy, Diane Naud, and Anne Antaya pray for us.

“Live out your life with one desire only: to be always what God wants you to be, in nature, grace and glory for time and eternity” (Maxim 73).

Barbara Vaughan CSJ

Photo of Jubilarians from L-R: Sisters Diane Naud, Thecla Martens, Josepha Zimmer and Mary Sharon Kennedy. 
Second photo: Sister Anne Antaya