Weekly Pause & Ponder

“As with any creative endeavor, originality in thinking, in being, requires a heightened state of alertness, a bridging of the poles, a show of fearlessness and willingness to forfeit the known for the unknown, the learned for the experienced. It requires a trust deeper than the sea, for what it asks for is a letting go, an unmooring from the safe harbor of certainty for a journey into the mists of mystery and possibility.  ...we are here to advance the evolution of thought, of human sensibility, of our own personal potential to be more than anyone ever said we could be.  ...to inspire thought leaders who are willing to be visible, vocal agents of evolutionary thinking for global good.  ...And from that place, with that awareness, we will step into our power to create businesses, organizations, and institutions that thrive because they serve the common good. The solutions to the crises of our time do not lie dormant in one individual. They live like seeds in every one of us. It is not a savior who will rescue us from the plight and perils we face, but a communion of saints who go by our names....”
The Art of Original Thinking: The Making of a Thought Leader, by Jan Phillips, pp XI-XIII.