There’s a New Movement Afoot

The First Nations Peoples across Canada are organizing to make their choices count on Federal Election Day, October 19th. Tyrone Souliere, an architect of the “Rally the First Nations Vote” movement (RTFNV) spoke recently to a large gathering of both indigenous people, their allies and representatives from the Liberal, NDP and Green parties. As members of London’s Local Truth and Reconciliation Committee, we were privileged to attend the event, held at N’Amerind Friendship Centre in London.

Tyrone, in his message, urged the native people to change their traditional form of resistance from non- voting in elections to casting their votes for the political party that best represents the First Nations communities. The party must honour face- to- face consultations, nation-to-nation over mutual interests including treaty rights, education, environmental protection and economic development. He asked attenders to vote for people who are sensitive to Aboriginal needs.

Honoured guest, Union of Ontario Indians Grand Chief, Patrick Madahbee underscored Tyrone’s message that voting now is part of the Native arsenal to effect change.  Indigenous people have the power in numbers in many ridings to deliver the margin of victory in the upcoming election.  Organized, strategic voting is powerful resistance.

Jean Moylan, csj
Nancy Walesa, csj