To Hobble and Be Happy

When I carelessly caught my foot under a rug while house-cleaning, I went flying, and in mid-air, my struggles NOT to fall, resulted in my falling, mightily, THUD!  (Has anyone else been there?) The orthopedic doctor, Dr. Patel, showed me my x-rays – a fractured ankle! …and he placed me in a ‘boot’ until the swelling goes down. Then, I could expect a cast. How quickly all my meticulous and multiple plans disappeared! I had a couple of good cries.

What happened came as a surprise, and I guess it shouldn’t have: St. Paul said, “For those who love God, everything works together unto good” [Rom 8:28]. It began to dawn on me: a friend was now free to spend even more time helping at an animal shelter, a colleague who graciously took on my special weekend workshop of lectures on Mark’s gospel, could use that stipend to help with his wife’s medical bills, while the students would receive a set of lectures far superior to mine! I experienced the gifts of love and care from my Sisters, their concern and prayer, and I experienced the sweetness of my neighbors who have earnestly volunteered to do grocery shopping and take care of my mail! And for me, this has become an unforeseen time of quiet, beautiful peace, for reflection, prayer, doing research online and doing knitting for the bazaar.  But more! Now I know what I can offer to do for anyone I visit who is partially or completely immobile! So, you see? Of course! YOU all could have told me so: “God’s imagination can turn around any difficulty into grace”.

Wendy Cotter, CSJ