A Time for Thankful Hearts

This is by far my favourite time of year. These days surrounding Thanksgiving Day have a way of surfacing within me the words,

There is an endless song
that echoes in my soul
I hear the music ring…
How can I keep from singing?”

As we sit before our feasts of plenty may we be mindful of the Goodness of God that touches us in so many ways. May the richness of God’s bounty that we continuously experience fill us with gratitude and openness of heart. May gratitude help us to embody the words I first heard at my Grandma Wales’ table.

For what we are about to receive
may we be truly thankful
and keep us always mindful of the needs of others. 

I invite you to view and reflect on this PowerPoint Presentation, based on words of Joyce Rupp, which offer a fitting prayer of blessing.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Nancy Wales, CSJ