King’s University College - Set to Imagine the Future

With King’s banners flying on breezy October 29, 2018, an official announcement was made of the transfer of 18 acres of pristine land from the Diocese of London to the steadily growing King’s University College.  The news was delivered to the eager audience crammed into a large white tent on the north-east corner of the newly acquired land at the intersection of Waterloo and Huron Streets.  The land’s immediate proximity to the present King’s makes it an excellent location for ongoing growth and expansion.

The celebration opened with members of King’s choir singing joyous selections under the direction of Janet Loo, followed by Dr. Sauro Camiletti, Interim Principal at King’s, making the special announcement.  He pointed out that in acquiring the property, the college will be doubling its footprint and preserving significant greenspace while being committed to stewarding the lands for future education.

Bishop Ronald Fabbro, Bishop of the Diocese of London, in his remarks, congratulated King’s for this huge milestone which will double the campus size and meet the changing needs of King’s.  He also stressed that King’s offers education of the whole person which is unique and critically needed in our time.

In addition, Dr. Kelly Regan, Chair of the Board of Directors, spoke of King’s and called the acquisition, “hallowed ground for the search and purpose of truth”.

The final exciting announcement was delivered by Hadia Faiz, Student Council President. She revealed that their group will donate 5 million dollars towards the 15-million-dollar campaign. King’s University College is well on its way to shaping a bright new future.          - Sr. Jean Moylan, csj