

Now you see him, now you don’t – so goes the story of Jesus. The disciples thrived on His pop-in visits. They could hardly wait to spread the “Good News”!  However, one day Jesus was gone from them. No more eye to eye visits. What to do? What to do?

Well, they had to get a grip on reality – Jesus promised them that help would be coming soon – the gift of the Holy Spirit. Their relationship with Jesus was now not eye to eye but heart to heart. The Upper Room in Jerusalem is large but bare. However, when Jesus gathered there with the disciples, women included (e.g. his mother), the room was overflowing with familiarity. He also gathered there with them after his resurrection.

Does this put us in mind of our own story? We have our eye to eye moments, but most often and most rewarding are the heart to heart moments. 

As the Feast of the Ascension comes upon us, let us reflect and prepare for a reality check. The “Holy Spirit” will open our hearts, but it is our choice.  What fire do I need to be lit in my heart and also under me?

Barbara Vaughan CSJ