Go Purple Day

Join the Purple Wave

Ontarians are being asked to join the PURPLE WAVE on Wednesday, October 19th. The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies and Children Aid Societies across the province, in conjunction with their key partners, will mark Child Abuse Prevention Month with a province-wide GO PURPLE DAY.

Organizers are asking individuals to wear something PURPLE, on Wednesday, October 19th to increase awareness about Child Abuse and Neglect in Ontario.

The CN Tower will GO PURPLE in recognition of GO PURPLE DAY. Ontario is GOING PURPLE to make the point that it takes a whole community working together to prevent child abuse.

“Firefighters, police, and local business owners are just some of those who will be raiding their closets to support this initiative. This year teachers and students in schools across the province will also be dressing in PURPLE on October 19 to show their commitment to every child and youth’s right to safety, and the importance of speaking up if somebody you know needs your help.” 

We all have a role to play in keeping children safe through breaking the silence and speaking out for any child or youth in need of help. As community members we need to assure that families have access to the supports they require.

Spread the word among your friends and associates and join hundreds of others across the province in creating the PURPLE WAVE in behalf of keeping children safe.

Nancy Wales, CSJ