Saint Kateri Elementary School

Fun for All

Picture a rainy October morning, a lively grade 4/5 class from neighbouring St. Kateri Elementary School and a group of eager elderly Sisters of St. Joseph huddled around card tables.  Here was the perfect recipe for fun! The children came armed with a myriad of games tucked under their arms to share with the Sisters. The large recreation room became a sea of little dark heads mingled with gray-haired Sisters laughing and sharing fun over Parcheesi, Old Fish and Banana Bag to describe a few of the favorite games. Eager excitement permeated the room as the bright-eyed players squared off, each hoping to win a game or two.  At some tables there were two children and two Sisters. Three sharp boys and one keen Sister sat at other tables. Little girls laughed excitedly as a 99-year-old Sister engaged them in a lively exchange. A few Sisters were able just to watch but children drew them to the point where they were part of the activity. Their teacher quietly observed the action from her conversation space among the Sisters.

It was interesting to note how all the activities were learning opportunities for the students: reading game rules, keeping score, interacting with others, and taking turns helping each other and a host of social skills.  These young people excelled at all of them.

A poignant highlight occurred when thoughtful Evan brought a large photo of his great, great aunt, a Sister of St. Joseph who was pictured holding Evan’s father and sister in her arms when they were babies.  The photo was taken in 1972 just prior to Sister’s missioning to our convent in Yellowknife as school principal.  She died in 1993, long before Evan was born. The Sisters rejoiced in seeing a picture of their friend and colleague.

Time flew quickly.  Finally, snacks were served, hugs exchanged and promises made to return for another get-together.  What a lovely opportunity it was to be young and old united in joy.

Sister Jean Moylan, CSJ