Solar Panels

Staning Up to Fossil Fuels

No doubt you’ve heard on the National News about the people of Clyde River in the high Arctic who have been working for several years to stop destructive oil exploration in their area.  With their efforts blocked at every turn, they’ve chosen an alternate route that will help to lessen their dependence on fossil fuels and welcome clean energy into their territory.

As outlined in the accompanying short video, they’ve chosen to install solar panels which will harness the sun’s rays.  Since the Arctic is unique in having sunshine 24 hours a day during the summer months, this installation will augment the amount of energy captured.  Hopefully, the solar initiative will grow and prosper, exemplifying the ingenuity and creativity of Canada’s Arctic people in finding a creative solution to combat oil exploration which threatens their livelihood and fragile ecosystems.

Jean Moylan, CSJ

Clyde River is starting a solar revolution.

Watch it now – and help spread the word.