World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day was initiated in 1998 to promote kindness throughout the world. It began in response to the increasing violence in the world as a way for participants to make the world a better place by celebrating and promoting good deeds and pledging acts of kindness for the days ahead. It continues to be celebrated in many countries including Canada, Japan, Australia, and the USA to name a few. Many schools take the opportunity to engage students of various ages in learning about kindness, compassion, and empathy in their curriculum. The theme for 2022 is Be Kind Whenever YOU can.

As spiritual people we have always been encouraged to be kind long before 1998 and not just for one symbolic day per year.

For the Islamic people displaying acts of kindness is a fundamental aspect of their religion. Islam encourages kindness, compassion towards everyone no matter what colour, status or religion they follow.

For Christians we are reminded that by our works we shall be known. We should treat others as we want them to treat us. We are to be lovers of all creation and so love is patient and kind, is not arrogant or rude. Love rejoices in the truth.

So, what is kindness? Well, it’s not difficult but it is a consistent choice. It is a type of behaviour marked by acts of generosity, consideration, helping without expecting praise or compensation in return. You know this in the core of your being!! It’s the little things you do choose to do every day, without thinking wave to your neighbour, smile at a stranger, pet a dog, call a friend, wear cheery colours, send a card, drive a friend, take muffins to a shut in. We’ve got this! The challenge is for us to make kindness as contagious as covid but way more fun.

Keep up the KINDness every moment, it’s good for your health!

Maureen Condon, Associate of the Sisters of St. Joseph