Book and Film Reviews

A Book Review

Book:“While I Breathe, I Hope: A Mystagogy of Dying” by Richard R. Gaillardetz

One of the joys I have in my ministry is travelling to other religious communities to facilitate retreats. A special “perk” is that members of the communities with whom I am working will often recommend to me books they have read.

Recently, a group of Sisters suggested I might appreciate a book, (they kindly gave me a copy) entitled, “While I Breathe, I Hope: A Mystagogy of Dying” by Richard Gaillardetz, late Chair of Systematic Theology at Boston College.  From its title I didn’t think it looked too promising. It certainly didn’t sound like a book to invite curling up in a comfy chair to read .. And let’s face it, how many have even heard the word, “mystagogy”? (It means a process to guide people in the mysteries of life in Christ).

I somewhat reluctantly opened the book one evening during the retreat. Contrary to my presuppositions I couldn’t put it down! It is one of the finest and most moving books I have ever read. It is truly a vivid guide in the mysteries of a life lived fully, with all its joys, ups and downs, doubts and faith, despairs and hopes, loves and losses, in Christ Paschal Mystery writ large.

Diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer, Richard Gaillardetz, began sharing his experiences in a blog, posted on the support website, “CaringBridge”, from which the chapters of the book are derived. They are written sequentially during the last months of his life. Here, Gaillardetz seeks guidance from his Christian faith for the journey of dying. Each segment of the book ends with the Latin phrase, Dum spiro, spero, “while I breathe, I hope”.  In his personal journey at the end of life he finds challenges and consolation in his faith and he also discovers new meanings in faith practices and in the Church’s liturgical seasons and celebrations.

Image: Sandy Millar @sandym10/Unsplash

Beyond these ponderings, Gaillardetz reflects on his natural human struggles, his fears and doubts, joys and suffering, family relationships, on the nature of love and friendship and on the importance of accompaniment on the journey. He speaks, in most eloquent ways, of the gifts of grace in moments of darkness. At the same time, he interweaves humour, analogies from sports, images from art, inspirations from music and “down to earth” commentary on the radiance and gifts of life’s ordinariness.

This is a read for all and, perhaps, most especially, for those facing imminent death, for carers, family and friends and those grieving. Comfort is in each turn of the page. It is compelling, irresistible, utterly engaging and heart-rending. It is paradoxical in its exploration of both dying and the ultimate sureness that while I breathe, I hope and thereafter. Truly inspirational!

-Sister Mary Rowell, CSJ

Soul Food: A Book Recommendation

If you are on the lookout for a book recommendation for your spiritual reading, may I suggest, the new book (February 2024), “Come, Have Breakfast,” by Elizabeth Johnston, csj. As a lover of the psalms, beholder of God as creative mystery, and a member of our Federation Ecology Committee I found it a perfect fit for me.

I was pleasantly surprised to find how readable yet profound  this well known, erudite spiritual writer’s insights conveyed nourishment for my soul. I appreciated the author’s use of language laced with poetic and biblical images and the book’s format of individual one-sitting meditations.

Amazon eloquently introduces Johnston’s book to potential readers:

“In her latest work, prize-winning theologian Elizabeth Johnson views planet Earth, its beauty and threatened state, through the lens of scripture. Each luminous meditation offers a snapshot of one aspect of the holy mystery who creates, indwells, redeems, vivifies, and sanctifies the whole world. Together, [the meditations] offer a panoramic view of the living God who loves the earth, accompanies all its creatures in their living and their dying, and moves us to care for our uncommon common home.”

To sample Come Have Breakfast and have an opportunity to meet with its author, Elizabeth Johnston, csj I suggest viewing Sister Elizabeth in a one-on-one interview with her book’s publisher, Robert Ellsberg, below.

-Sister Nancy Wales, csj | Avid Reader


If you are on the lookout for an engaging book for backyard, front porch or cottage summer reading,  as one reader to another,  I offer you one of my picks for a good summer read. I suggest you find yourself a copy of The Maid. It was named one of the most anticipated books of 2022 by Glamour, Chatelaine, and Canadian Living among others and was an instant #1 bestseller. Nita Pronovost, writing under the pen name Nita Prose, is a Canadian author living in Toronto. Nita is a long-time book editor who has recently become a multiple award-winning mystery writer. The Maid, her first book, has sold over a million copies and has been published in more than forty countries in over thirty-five languages. Certainly, wanting to avoid being a spoiler, I sum things up as it is a tale of human dynamics, robbery, murder, and matters of the heart. I don’t hesitate to say, you’ll never look on a maid in ever the same way again.

“Reading is an exercise in empathy; an exercise in walking in someone else’s shoes for a while.”
— Malorie Blackman

If you enjoy the writing style of Prose, you can read The Mystery Guest, Nita’s second mystery featuring several of the main characters you will have met in reading The Maid.

You might also like to read Nita Pronovost’s own article which ran in the Toronto Star in December of 2023. In it, the author reveals in her own words how a novelist takes a tiny nugget from her real life and turns it into fiction.

-Sister Nancy Wales ,CSJ

image: Anna Hamilton @lovingdreamer/Unsplash

Stories within our History

As time passes, more and more of our Canadian story is coming to light. A significant part of our nation’s story encompasses the unique yet not so uncommon stories of individuals.  The historical account of British Home Children is one such little known part of Canada’s history.

You may ask, Who are the British Home Children? The Government of Canada’s website answers the preceding  question in the following manner. “Between 1869 and 1939, over 100,000 children were sent from Britain to Canada through assisted juvenile emigration. These migrants are called “home children” because most went from an emigration agency's home for children in Britain to its Canadian receiving home. The children were mostly placed with families in rural Canada.”

Children of all ages, both boys and girls were sent across Canada from England to spend their early life respectively as farm workers and domestics. Although Canadians believed them to be orphans only two percent actually were parentless. Because there was no social system to help parents or sole parents who had fallen on hard times through difficult circumstances these youngsters were often surrendered into the care of organizations. Dr. Barnardo’s Homes was one of the largest of these organization.

Inspired by true events, The Forgotten Home Child is a moving and heartbreaking novel about place, belonging, and family—the one we make for ourselves and its enduring power to draw us home.

Some of these children were blessed to ended up in loving families. Unfortunately, this was often not the fate they experienced.

I learned more about this aspect of Canadian history and the experiences of these children through reading The Forgotten Home Child by Genevieve Graham.  An inspired story based on a composite of true events touching the heart and highlighting the phenomenon of finding one’s family identity beyond blood ties.

An enlightening read that I would very much recommend.

- Sister Nancy Wales, CSJ

Be a Book Nut!

Be awesome! Be a book nut!” — Dr. Seuss

As an avid bookworm, I once again find myself engaged in beginning a new series of novels set in England during the World War II period.

I just finished reading A Peculiar Combination on my Kindle while taking a few days to visit my friends in Cincinnati. A Peculiar Combination begins Ashley Weaver’s Electra McDonnell four book series, with number four, Locked in Pursuit, yet to be released until May 2024. It follows up on A Peculiar Combination (2021), the Key to Deceit (2022) and Playing it Safe (2023).

In A Peculiar Combination, Ashley introduces us to Electra and her Uncle Nick. Not wanting to be a spoiler, I’ll just say Electra and her Uncle Nick find themselves working with the initially hard to read Major Ramsey to avoid facing imprisonment. Employed by the British government Electra and Uncle Nick find themselves eager to do their bit for king and country. Thus begins their close calls and the novels twist and turns.

You might want to check out your local library’s catalogue. I found A Peculiar Combination is available at the London Public Library.

-Sister Nancy Wales, CSJ