Guest Bloggers

JAZZ and the Spiritual

International Jazz Day | April 30, 2021

I was recently asked to contemplate the connection between Jazz and the Spiritual.  Here are some of my musings.  I decided to make a list of words that came up for me when I thought of what both Jazz and the Spiritual had in common – mystery, trust, and faith.   As I pondered each of these words more and let their meaning sink in, I felt a few other words rise to the top as well which seemed to enhance these three keywords. From these words, the following thoughts emerged.


As a jazz vocalist who primarily works in the setting of a trio or quartet, I love the ability to move freely in a group formation.  This collective of individuals holds the framework of great trust and allows each of the players to exist as part of and yet, apart from the whole, thereby being able to explore many boundaries. When I am engaged in singing a song in this setting, I can improvise and totally be in the moment because I have faith in my fellow musicians, faith in their ability, commitment, and skill.  There is still a deep connection to what I call “the original thought” or “theme” of a song.  This original thought or theme is always at the core of musical expression in jazz and is understood by all members of this musical collective, yet it is interpreted differently by each member.  Because of these elements in a performance, the end result is always somewhat of a mystery as we are each interpreting the blueprint of the original song in myriad, subtle ways.

Music, like God, is a phenomenon that is hard to “understand” on an intellectual plane.

To me, this seems quite similar to how each of us embraces spirituality.  There is a deep sense that we are all part of one body, one giant, universal collective, yet each of us hears the mystery of the divine voice in different and unique ways.  To function as a whole, we must learn to trust each other and have faith in each other as well. 

Music, like God, is a phenomenon that is hard to “understand” on an intellectual plane.  I would say that music is best experienced by the senses, and as for God…perhaps faith could be seen as the sixth sense?  And in the trinity of my original, “root” words, perhaps if we trust in mystery, we experience faith?

-Adi Braun |

Born in Toronto, Adi Braun grew up in Europe surrounded by music and musicians. Her parents were opera singers, and her father, Victor Braun, was one of Canada’s leading baritones. Her first instrument was piano, which she began studying at the age of six. With no formal voice lessons, she made her first pop/jazz recording at age 19. Following family tradition, Adi trained classically at the Royal Conservatory of Music and the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Music. She began her singing career as a classical recitalist, a soloist with orchestra and on-stage in operas and operettas alongside her brother, baritone Russell Braun. In addition to her many musical roles, Adi teaches German art song at the Royal Conservatory of Music and is a German diction coach for the Canadian Opera Company.

Grow Through What You Go Through


Easier said than done. Yet, day in, and day out, all of us are gifted with incredible opportunities to grow.  If we dare embrace whatever life presents - even during a difficult pandemic - we will grow through what we go through. If we have the courage, the patience and perseverance, as well as openness to the much-needed grace, we can and will grow through what we go through.  It may not happen in leaps and bounds, but happen it will, even during this pandemic, though we may not recognize the growth instantly but only in hindsight. 

All of us are familiar with sayings such as, “This will either make or break you” or “Bloom where you are planted.” When we find ourselves in difficult situations, such admonitions may be helpful or put our backs up.  While pondering about growth during difficult times, I wondered about creating a sacred space within ourselves where we can discern and choose how to grow through what we are going through during this pandemic instead of letting it break us.  What might this look like if we keep in mind, that we are chosen and appointed “to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last?” (John 15:16)


Hmmm, bloom and bear fruit. That sounds like a tall order, even at the best of times, let alone during this pandemic.  For many of us it may seem highly unlikely that this pandemic would be conducive to growing. If we stay with adages for a moment, such as “The grass is always greener on the other side” might that be true because there is more manure on the other side? If that be the case, we who have been well entrenched ‘on the other side of normal’, should then all be greening, sprouting, and growing as there is plentiful manure on this pandemic side of normal. However, that is not necessarily true, right?

We all know and have experienced, that there is a huge difference between head and heart knowledge.  My mind may take in such words as “This will either make or break you” but what will my heart believe?  During a time like this pandemic, all that might stick in my head might be, “This will break you.”  Yes, like a seed, life breaks us open. Might our hearts be willing to believe though, that difficulties can ‘make us’ and that we can grow? We may all have modest beginnings but through life’s difficulties we can in fact grow into “God’s masterpiece.” (Ephesians 2:10) Just as great oaks from little acorns grow with sufficient sun, rain, and the ‘manure’ of stormy weather, we, too, can grow when we learn to embrace the storms of our lives when we view them with new eyes. Though blasts from our past may aggravate our present pandemic situation, with grace we can weather whatever this pandemic holds for each one of us, even if we’d prefer to avoid these tough situations.

...find God in all things

Like our Jesuit brothers, when we have the courage to put aside our preconceived ideas and gain a new perspective, even during these challenging times, surprisingly we just might learn to “find God in all things.” Who knows, out of our difficulties miracles just may sprout. If we dare let go of our illusions, which tend to lead to disillusions, we will gain wisdom, that fertile soil needed to grow through what we are going through. When we no longer cling to our delusions of what life should look like, particularly during this pandemic, no longer holding onto unrealistic expectations, we might surprise ourselves by growing through what we go through.  When we not only face but embrace our reality, even if this pandemic breaks our hearts open evermore, they will surely also be enlarged.


Since I am finishing this reflection on Earth Day, I recall a recent conversation I enjoyed with a wise sage of a woman about pollinators.  What was unusual and fascinating about our conversation, was that she was not telling me about pollinators such as the amazing bees.  No, she spoke eloquently about people being pollinators.  In nature, “Pollination ensures that a plant will produce full-bodied fruit and a full set of viable seeds.” ( In the context of this reflection, however, I am pondering the concept of people being pollinators for others. Who are these pollinators, I ask myself, who help me till the inner soil so I can grow, bloom, and “produce full-bodied fruit” in my life and in turn help others seek “greening” in their lives?  In conclusion, then, I would like to invite you to ponder who the pollinators are in your life, particularly during this pandemic. Who is helping you not only to grow through what you daily go through but to bear fruit in great abundance?  On the flip side, for whom are you a caring pollinator?

-Sister Magdalena Vogt, cps

Volunteer Week - A Week of Gratitude

Today is the beginning of National Volunteer Week 2021 and as we think of all the wonderful volunteers we, here at The Sisters of St. Joseph, have been blessed to work alongside over these many years we want to share a letter that was recently sent to us, from one of our volunteers. Roger volunteers in London, Ontario at our St. Joseph’s Hospitality Centre - our “soup kitchen”.

We’re so very blessed by the many kind-hearted folks who share this work with us.

Dear Sisters of St. Joseph in London,

I hope this essay brings some understanding of the work you lead.

The scene is a small shop. Across the street are boarded-up stores - long left to allow those who prefer to sleep in the doorways to find the accommodation of isolation to their liking. The shop has two large window panes being pelted with snow and through those panes, we can see the homeless lined up. They long to get inside where breakfast is being served.

Some of the homeless are on their way back - sober, and dressed in their best from the “hand out” down the street. Others are struggling and sway back and forth, doing their best to appear like the others.

We, all volunteers, await the 9 o’clock door opening. We say out loud, “OK everybody, let’s begin.”

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As they enter, they are cordially met with a very comfortable lady who is respected by the men and women (and some children) as they pay their 50 cents and are given a plastic coin. Some go directly to the counter which displays bread, cakes, and buns - and they ‘bag’ their wants. These nutritious necessities having been donated by local food stores and delivered this very morning.

Many sit quietly awaiting one of our volunteers to approach and take the breakfast order. They may sit with strangers but others meet here on a regular basis.

Some shout to the cook, “Morning Tracy!”, others sit with their head down, not feeling too well at this early hour. This is a slow time for the dishwasher so he has a bowl of hot cereal and toast with coffee - but, following his repast, he never stops because the dishes keep coming.

Everyone seems to know the routine. The lady keeps the coffee ready for the gang to pick up and deliver, the chef keeps the eggs and bacon served on plates with such a rhythm you begin to wonder if she is not a machine. You soon realize she is very human when she directs a volunteer to serve the lady with the assortment of bags in the far corner who has been waiting for service for a bit of time. Our “chef” has an eye for those in need.


Oh-oh, voices are starting to climb…heavy voices…shouts at the table near the front. Accusations about a possession? An argument about a fork, a salt shaker? A parcel moved to another site? A chair saved for a friend?

Some pay attention without saying a word, but others stay to their meal without getting involved - they’ve seen it many times before. Within seconds, Bill the manager who is recognized as the ‘man-in-charge, arrives at the table of confrontation. You can sense the relief of the volunteers - it will be taken care of. Bill quickly kneels in front of the anxious and frustrated lonely woman. She continues to yell and scream, but then those screams and yells become whispers - Bill stands, and all is quiet. She moves to another table still mumbling but now about another matter. We, at the back, look at one another and smile - we try to give a reason for such behaviour - some think that she may have missed her ‘meds’ - however, one understands such behaviour and we are thankful for Bill.

I’ve known Bill for many years - in fact, I knew him as a baby. I coached hockey with his Dad when his brother played on our team. I am not sure how long he has been employed by the Sisters of St. Joseph at the Hospitality Centre in East London but, however long it has been it has been a blessing to the thousands that simply know him as “Bill.”

Roger Miller, Volunteer

Since covid, we have been unable to host guests and work with our Volunteers. The Sisters make sandwiches each day and the staff at our Hospitality Centre serves them to those in need.

Roger is one of many volunteers that will be recognized for his dedication and kindness as we start volunteer week today. 


Fasting in the month of Ramadan

FASTING in the month of Ramadan by Elizabeth Rahman

Fasting is one of the tenets of many faiths, occurring in Lent for Christians, at Yom Kippur for Jews, and in Ramadan for Muslims. Fasting is one of the five pillars (or tenets of faith) of Islam along with the declaration of faith, prayer, charity, and the pilgrimage to Mecca.

Muslims fast from dawn to sunset every year during the month of Ramadan. Since Muslims follow the lunar calendar, which is shorter than the Gregorian calendar, Ramadan occurs 11 days earlier each year. In a span of 33 years, it covers all of the seasons so that the population of any given country is not always fasting during the challenging long hot days of summer or the short cooler days of winter.

The fast is beneficial to one’s physiological health, allowing for systemic detoxification, as well as brain health where fasting increases the production of a protein that improves brain function. Primarily, however, it is a method of spiritual self-purification and teaches self-control and patience. Muslims are required to abstain from all negative actions, besides abstaining from food and drink and also sex while fasting during the day. By removing worldly comforts, even for a short time, an individual gains some insight into the feelings experienced by those who are less fortunate, and helps to alleviate hunger by sharing food with others. Fasting also gives us an appreciation for the simple blessings we take for granted, such as pure water or eating whenever we feel like it. During Ramadan, Muslims also give zakat (alms or charity) to those who are less fortunate.

In the words of Dr. Shegufa Merchant, “Fasting in Ramadan has always felt like a purposeful spiritual activity. An active deed to contribute to, in solidarity with those that worry about each meal on their table. It is a feeling of blessed equalizing. An opportunity to reflect and be grateful in a structured manner each year. Fasting also gives me a feeling of practicing charity of well-being and spirituality just like there is charity with money and time. 

I am always amazed that on a routine day, when I don't infuse myself with tea and food I feel lax, weak and ravenous after a few hours. But when I am fasting, my body knows not to ask me for food and water, even on long summer fasting days. I actually feel de-stressed that I only have to think about cooking the one evening meal and this frees-up time for prayer and reflection. Moreover, that one meal together as a family has a unique charm because everyone first prays the evening prayer together and then breaks the fast together! (That is three 'togethers' in one brief sentence!)

When Ramadan is nearing the end each year, I feel like a good friend is leaving my home.”

Every year, millions of Muslims all over the world look forward to Ramadan. This year, the month of Ramadan is expected to begin in Canada on the evening of Monday 12th April, when Muslims will cook together as a family, and share food with friends – and sometimes strangers. At the end of the month of Ramadan, Muslims wait for the sighting of the new moon, and celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr with family and friends, with presents for the children and lots of food! In normal circumstances, many Muslim communities in Canada, including here in Peterborough, invite people of other faiths to celebrate with them.   


Dr. Shegufa Merchant & Elizabeth Rahman are co-founders of The Oasis, a community organization founded on Islamic principles of oneness in service to God and the community.

Microfinance: The Innovative Idea


By Dan Murray, CEO, Opportunity International Canada

According to the dictionary, to innovate is to make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products.  It is further stated that innovation is crucial to the success of any organization.

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Opportunity International was founded in 1971 and is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.  Canadians were deeply engaged in the work from the beginning, with Opportunity International Canada eventually formed in 1998 to deepen the engagement.

Innovation has been a defining characteristic of Opportunity International throughout its fifty years. In fact, it was borne out of innovation – the innovative idea that a small loan with training was a more effective – and more dignified – pathway out of poverty than a handout.

At Opportunity, innovation isn’t about change for the sake of change.  The immense and diverse challenge of global poverty, spread over many countries, cultures, and demographics, demands the very best ideas to bring about real, measurable, and lasting change.

Innovation is demonstrated by the range of Opportunity programs that have already made an impact, including micro-loans, women’s trust groups, micro-savings, savings groups, and microinsurance, all in partnership and collaboration with local Partners. 

Recent transformative initiatives are just as innovative, including Education Finance, Agriculture Finance, and Digital Financial Services, each impacting the fight against poverty. 

Impact indeed!  That seed of an idea fifty years ago has grown into a massive engine of poverty elimination. In 2020, almost 19.5 million clients in 30 countries were served, with $2.4 billion in new loans, 7.13 million active loan clients, 14.9 million clients with savings, and 7.3 million children getting an education.


And the journey of innovation continues, with emerging initiatives to unleash the power of financial inclusion in refugee camps, among displaced persons, training for unemployed youth, community health in rural areas, and to help clients and Partners build climate resiliency.

It is said the more things change, the more they stay the same.  What hasn’t changed is that poverty is an attack on the dignity of those who are trapped by it.  And what hasn’t changed is the commitment of Opportunity International to fight poverty through holistic financial inclusion.  

But everything else is on the table as we relentlessly pursue more effective and impactful means to end the inter-generational transfer of poverty.

Reposted with permission.

Opportunity International provides access to savings, small business loans, insurance and training to 17.5 million people working their way out of poverty in the developing world. Clients in 28 countries use these financial services to expand businesses, provide for their families, create jobs for their neighbors and build a safety net for the future.