
International Sisters of St. Joseph Pray for Peace and Healing in our World

In the midst of the world’s woes of ragging fires, torrential storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, aggression, and violence, for one quiet hour on Saturday, August 28 hundreds of Sisters of St. Joseph and Associates throughout the world settled into a period of reflection and prayer for the sake of our cherished earth and its peoples.

The international CSJ Chambéry Congregation designed and hosted the prayer hour using quotes from Pope Francis’ encyclical Fratelli tutti. Readings and prayers were spoken in various languages: Italian, French, Portuguese, English, with music in those languages as well as being sung in Urdu. To focus our reflection the hour was divided into these topics cited in the encyclical: Social Friendship, Envisaging and Engendering an Open World, A Better Kind of Politics; A Heart Open to the World; Dialogue and Friendship in Society; Paths of Renewed Encounter; and Religions at the Service of the Our World. Each focus contained brief statements, prayer, and song.

If you wish to join in the prayer:

Go to the home page of the Chambery congregation:

Click on the symbol for Facebook.

Why was this moment significant?

The energy of solidarity and compassion released a deep hope across the earth, rising from major continents with a heartfelt cry for healing. We were blessed to participate.

We know that many other faith communities hold similar events of prayerful reflection, contemplation, and petition. We join this singular moment on August 28th in solidarity with all who strive to bring healing and wholeness to our world.

Image from Unsplash, created by Elena Mazhvila @miracleday