Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Neale Donald Walsch.
“World Book Day, also known as World Book and Copyright Day or International Day of the Book, is an annual event organized by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) to promote reading, publishing, and copyright. The first World Book Day was celebrated on 23 April in 1995 and continues to be recognized on that day.” -Wikipedia
Books are magic carpets that transport us to new places where we can experience life and meet new folks. Mary Schmich, award winning journalist, observes that, “Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere.”
Prolific, South African writer, Helen Exley, cautions us that books are powerful catalysts that can shift our thinking. She warns, “Books can be dangerous. She gives notice that, the best ones should be labeled “This could change your life.”
American novelist, Joyce Carol Oates, asserts that books offer us a chance to walk in someone else’s shoes. She verbalizes that, “Reading is the sole means by which we slip, involuntarily, often helplessly, into another’s skin, another’s voice, another’s soul.”
“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.”
Personally, as a self-proclaimed reading addict, I strongly agree with historical writer, Taylor Jenkins Reid, in her belief that, “…a good book should be either the entry point inward, to learn about yourself, or a door outward, to open you up to new worlds.”
Today, to celebrate World Book Day, I invite and challenge you to share, with a friend or colleague, a book you discovered as a delightful or informative read.
-Nancy Wales, csj
Images: Unsplash/Susan Q Yin/Jaredd Craig
Earth Day - April 22, 2024 PLANET VS PLASTICS
Image: Amy Shamblen/Unsplash
I remember my first participation in an Earth Day celebration. It was a lovely simple celebration which helped us welcome spring and new life. Earth Day was first held on April 22, 1970. From that first celebration to 2024 we have grown in our understanding of the many ways that our beautiful earth is in crisis. A wide range of events have taken place and are planned worldwide with at least 1 billion people in more than 193 counties marking this day. As we hear more about damages affecting people and planet, the theme for this year is “Planet vs Plastics”. More than a theme, this effort has become a movement.
Planet vs Plastics unites students, parents, businesses, governments, churches and other faith communities, unions, individuals and NGO’s in an unwavering commitment to call for the end of plastics for the sake of human and planetary health, demanding a 60% reduction in the productions of plastics by 2040 and an ultimate goal of building a plastic-free future for generations to come.
Plastics are not biodegradable. They break down into smaller and smaller pieces which are ingested by animals, fish, birds and humans. Eighty-four percent of plastics contain toxins which pass into animals and our food chain. The oceans are sick, our planet is suffering and life is endangered.
All of us are invited to do something for the care of our only home and to turn to contemplate the creation around us. This contemplation of creation allows us to discover in each thing a teaching which God wishes to hand on to us, since, “for the believer, to contemplate creation is to hear a message, to listen to a paradoxical and silent voice.” (Laudate Si, 85) urging us to act.
-Sister Joan Atkinson, CSJ | Office for Systemic Justice
The 61st Annual World Day of Prayer for Vocations occurs on Sunday, April 21, 2024 with the theme: “Called to sow seeds of hope and to build peace.”
In his letter to commemorate this day, Pope Francis says, “This day invites us to reflect on the precious gift of the Lord’s call to each of us, as members of his faithful pilgrim people, to participate in his loving plan and to embody the beauty of the Gospel in different states of life. Our life finds fulfillment when we discover who we are, what our gifts are, where we can make them bear fruit, and what path we can follow in order to become signs and instruments of love, generous acceptance, beauty, and peace, wherever we find ourselves.”
Let's dive into the vibrant landscape of religious vocations in the Diocese of Hamilton, where the Diocesan Vocation Director is Father Mark Morley. Father Mark is the son of one of our original Hamilton CSJ Companions, Connie Morley. (A Companion is someone who shares the charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph, embodying active and inclusive love) No doubt through the years, Father Mark has absorbed some CSJ flavour through his dear mother!
One way Father Mark facilitates prayer support for seminarians, deacons, and those in initial religious formation is by distributing prayer cards featuring their names and photos. He further aids young adults in discerning their vocations through dedicated evenings and leads a Men's Discernment Group monthly. Additionally, the Diocese hosts annual events like the Vocation Mass and the Serra Club organizes initiatives such as the Annual Vocations Dinner and visits to Catholic High Schools by representatives from diverse vocations. All these activities contribute to the rich tapestry of vocational discernment in the Hamilton Diocese.
These are some of the many religious vocations in the Diocese of Hamilton:
Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada
School Sisters of Notre Dame
Sisters of the Precious Blood
Sisters of Our Lady Immaculate
Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate
Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Poor of Jesus Christ
Felician Sisters
Sisters of St. John the Baptist
Ursuline Sisters of Chatham
The Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
Congregation of the Resurrection
Congregation of the Holy Cross
Hospitaller of St. John of God
Oblates of Mary Immaculate
Barnabite Fathers
Carmelites of Mary Immaculate
Comboni Missionaries
Pallottine Fathers
Legionaries of Christ
Consecrated Virgins
Permanent Deacons
Seminarians (currently 15)
Diocesan Priests
Navigating one's place in the world can be a daunting journey, fraught with uncertainties and complexities. As individuals discern their unique paths in life, we must pray for them and extend our support, affirming the inherent dignity of every individual.
-Sister Nancy Sullivan, CSJ