Will you vote in the upcoming municipal elections? My thoughts arise against the backdrop of the Umbrella Protest. Growing numbers of Hong Kong residents are placing themselves at great personal risk to challenge the Chinese government’s inference in their democratic election process.
In our own 2010 London municipal elections only 39.9 % of eligible voters cast a ballot. In light of this grim statistic, or similar municipal election voter turnouts across the province, can you imagine droves of Ontarians gathering to protest, if our freedom to vote was similarly threatened?
I question how seriously Ontarians and indeed Canadians regard their democratic right to vote. As a collective we seem to treat the election process lightly and undervalue this freedom we enjoy. Definitely, many eligible voters fail to see it as a civic responsibility to be performed.
On October 27th (or in an advance poll) become an activist. Be pro-democracy! Stand up for freedom! Grab your umbrella, rain or shine, and head off to the voting station and cast your ballot.
Nancy Wales, CSJ