Full of Gratitude

I was pleased to have the opportunity to take a two-hour ride home with my daughter, Mary Elizabeth. On the way, she remarked that she had seen one of the shows of the current series on the Tudors. It’s fascinating to watch King Henry and his court, the wealthiest persons on the planet at that time. She was struck by the fact that she, simply by being alive in Canada, in this time of history, had much more wealth than anyone alive at that time. She mentioned flicking on a switch for electricity, safe drinking water from a tap right in our homes, flush toilets, heat and air-conditioning at will, music at the push of a button, all knowledge and entertainment available on the Internet, and Google Earth as a way to voyage from the safety of your armchair, Skype and Face Time to see and talk with loved ones across the world, and nearby hospitals with the miracles of modern medicines and methods free for all in need. She was full of gratitude, and this from a young lady who has wrestled all her life with depression. What lovely moments in time form, her mother.

Donna Crowell (Guest Blogger)