Weekly Pause & Ponder

While our experience of oneness with the universe today will have much in common with the experiences of the past... it will also be profoundly different. The new paradigm is a continually evolving universe. All things have evolved and continue to evolve from an original explosion of energy that we call the “Big Bang” that occurred thirteen to fifteen billion years ago..... as Swimme and Berry point out “in every instance the supposition was that the universe was there in some stable form. Now we know that the universe is not in any way a fixed or stable entity but an ongoing process, “an irreversible sequence of transformations.” The universe is not a place. We do not live in the universe; we are part of the process. This is the new paradigm that has shaken the foundations of all our previous assumptions.
Jesus Today:A Spirituality of Radical Freedom, by Albert Nolan, p. 171.