Big Brother

No, not the T.V. summer reality show!  The Big Brother I am talking about is my grandnephew, Andrew, age 7. He has a brother, Dylan, 5 and a baby brother, Benjamin, 5 months. However, to really complicate the situation, Dylan broke his leg and you can be assured he required a lot of attention – not only from his parents, but also big brother Andrew. This in itself is a huge responsibility. In the midst of this, the family moved to a new house which means a new school, new teacher and making new friends. All of these factors made it especially trying for a very sweet, shy boy.

I wonder if many years from now Dylan and Benjamin will come to realize how fortunate they are to have a big brother like Andrew. Often it is the little things in life that make us who we are today. 

Perhaps this little story of my grandnephew reminds all of us to give thought to those who may have been part of our lived reality and gives us reason to pause, to remember and to give thanks. Was there an Andrew in your early years or were you yourself an Andrew? It is not necessarily the big happenings, but the ones no one really notices that count.

Can you reflect back, recall and give thanks for any Andrews or perhaps Andreas in your life?

Barbara Vaughan, CSJ