“Tweeting in the New Year and wondering What if….?”

As we enter this New Year, the future that is emerging calls us to respond to NEW challenges in new ways. The old ways are just not working.

These are some of the wonderings that were evoked in me as I reflected on what this New Year might look like and how we can help to shape it. I invite you, the reader, to consider what it is like when you or I do choose new ways of responding to the situations in which we find ourselves.

The emerging future that we envision for ourselves in 2015 depends on how we choose, and how we lead and encourage others to make this kind of change for a better world, a better reality.

As you consider these “tweets” below, let one or two choose YOU from which to wonder, “what if I were to choose to live this way?” this New Year. Happy “tweeting” and may it truly be a Happy New Year for all of us!

“Being happy is a soother, a choice, a decision we make. Not easy at first, but it can become a very good habit worth developing.

Love is not so much a ‘doing’ but a ‘being’, not so much a ‘receiving’ but a ‘giving’. Love is “for giving”. What we give comes back to us.”

Worry, a stimulant pill, habit-forming, dumps adrenaline into our systems and produces a ‘fight or flight’ response. We can find a better way to fly.

Separation is only the illusion of darkness. The light still shines all around us. It is only our focus on the dark that makes it seem real.

By focusing on the question, we miss the answer. Try focusing on the answer and see what question comes to mind.

Being happy is a gift from that which created us. It is ours. We can forget we have it but we can never lose it. We are here to remember it.

As we focus on right-minded thoughts of love, compassion, health, abundance, and happiness, these focused thoughts will attract their own witnesses.

By giving compassion to others, we are re-minded that we must have had it in the first place in order to have given it. How quickly we seem to forget.

Who’s in charge here? US, the Universal Spirit, expressing itself through, and as, you and me. Glad we got that straight.

Where’s the drama in knowing our lives are unfolding just as they should be? Drama is uncertainty. Truth is certain. We choose with every thought.”

Tweets for the Soul by Charlie Henry Thanks for viewing Chapter Four http://foundationforwellbeing.org/tweets1.htm  ©2010 by Charles Henry

Kathleen Lichti CSJ