As the Years Roll By

Soon it will be my birthday and the number of my years will turn from an age ending in '9' to one ending in '0'. As this significant (to me) day approaches, I am struck with the thought of another decade over-how is it possible it passed so quickly? A brand new decade stretches before me. What will these years bring? What will my health be like? Which of my relatives and friends will not be here ten years from now? What about my ministry? What will our congregation look like? What will the face of the church look like? What will the world be like?

A part of me is tempted to sit back and watch life happen. A stronger part of me though rises to the challenge put forth by Mary Oliver: 

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" 

Certainly I have fewer years ahead than years behind but no matter my age there is always the opportunity to choose life. There awaits the chance to do what I can to protect our precious environment, to nurture loving relationships, to reach out to others who have needs I can satisfy and to be a responsible member of my congregation.

The years ahead are chock full of uncertainty but also of potential.  Bring 'em on!

Nancy Sullivan CSJ