A Spirit of Hospitality

As I reflect on the gospel of the 4th Sunday of Advent, I think of the warm welcome Elizabeth extended to her cousin Mary who had travelled far while herself pregnant in order to assist her cousin. These days ‘warm welcome’ calls to mind and fills me with gratitude and joy the arrival of the Syrian refugees and how so many individuals and communities and our country are reaching out with a spirit of hospitality. As well, at this time of year people are in the throes of preparing their hearts and homes to welcome others for celebrations.  Advent is a time of welcoming.

Just as the wombs of Mary and Elizabeth protected precious lives so are each of us and all of us called to protect God’s creation.  We have a long way to go but we leap for joy at the agreement reached at the Climate Change meeting in Paris last week. We recall that Elizabeth’s child John leapt with joy at the sound of Mary’s voice which was also good news.

Fr Bill Clarke, SJ said on a recent retreat that Mother Earth never gives up on us, we are all siblings held in the womb of Mother Earth and that everything we needed we had in the womb.

As we approach the end of this Advent season, in these very difficult times, it is good to leap for joy and appreciate the blessings we see all around us. This is indeed good news.

Nancy Sullivan, csj