God’s Hands in the World

“What good is there in your saying to the {needy}, ‘God bless you!  Keep warm and keep well!’ – if you don’t give them the necessities of life?  So it is with faith; if it is alone and includes no actions, then it is dead.”  (James 2:16)

The Leamington Area Ecumenical Refugee Committee (LAERC) has heeded James’ warning since its inception.  The committee celebrated its tenth anniversary on June 7th, 2015. The group has sponsored 54 refugees including twelve families. These refugees are from areas such as Columbia, Iraq, Malaysia, and theMyanmar refugee camp. 

A special part of the anniversary celebration was meeting former refugees from the past decade. They witnessed to the progress the refugees have made in Canada by sharing stories such as a man opening his own successful cleaning business. Others are pursuing post-secondary education. Generous donations allow LAERC to award small bursaries for further education and to provide art therapy and recreational activities such as skating, swimming, and soccer experiences for children. LAERC also contacted The War Amps-Ontario which is providing a prosthetic arm for a young boy. 

Upon arrival in Leamington, refugees depend on LAERC to review documents and a myriad of government paper work. The committee also assists in contacting translators for many of their needs such as the procurement of social insurance and OHIP numbers.            

The Canadian government provides refugee funding for six months after which the LAERC committee raises funds through the Christian churches in the Leamington area. LAERC’s many tasks include securing housing, furniture, appliances and other necessities to provide for the needs of the refugees. The members also teach adults how and where to shop for food and clothing while also instructing newcomers in the use of home appliances such as modern stoves, thermostats, washers and dryers. 

Once refugees are settled in their new surroundings, the committee maintains contact through annual gatherings on Canada Day and in December before Christmas. Together, the Leamington Area Ecumenical Refugee Committee and its new Canadians are living faith in action. The kingdom of God is already among us.

Elaine Cole csj