What is your Medal Count?

“I have run the race, I have kept the faith.” (St. Paul)

The last two weeks we have enjoyed the activities of the Pan Am Games. As the games progressed things heated up in more ways than one.

Last Saturday, while sitting outdoors I was entertained by Heaven’s version of the games. There must have been a bowling tournament – slow rumbles – obviously no strikes just balls rolling along. It was like experiencing the natural and supernatural at the same time.

In the Pan Am Games thousands took part as athletes, volunteers and spectators. Each had their own role to play, having their own specialties – one person cannot do everything.

This rings true for us also, we are all gifted differently – thank God. It is this variety which makes life interesting. Sometimes we are medal winners, be it gold, silver or bronze. We might even finish last. It is not how many and what colour – but how we play the game!

With St. Paul let us run the race and keep the faith. 

What are your Golden strengths, Silver strengths (needing some work), Bronze strengths (room for improvement). Over all what is your total? 

Run on and by all means Keep the Faith!

Barbara Vaughan CSJ