Sisters Commit to Earth-Centred Focus

Gathering at their recent Chapter meeting held in Toronto Sept 11-16, 2016, over one hundred Sisters of St Joseph in Canada recognized the need to prioritize care of the earth for the common good. At this meeting they committed to using “integral ecology” as the lens for focusing their way of life believing that this reality recognizes the interrelationship of all things, as with others they serve in our “common home”.  Integral Ecology links inseparably, care for the Earth and all peoples, especially the most vulnerable.  It embraces Gospel values, interreligious and intercultural dialogue and all the world’s most urgent needs today.

For many years, the Sisters of St Joseph have been taking seriously the call to listen and respond to the “cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor”, rooted in their founding charism in 1650 France of unity and reconciliation.

Today they embrace further the notion of an earth-centred spirituality and ecological education supported by transforming action to fuel the hearts of the Sisters in the years ahead.

During these days of Chapter, a new leadership circle of the congregation was elected.  The congregation now welcomes Sisters Margo Ritchie, Joyce Murray, Anne Karges, Sheila Fortune and Nancy Sullivan with all their gifts of mission and ministry as they lead the congregation into their future of prayer and service for today’s world.

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Media Contact:  Sister Margo Ritchie
519 675 0137