Sisters will be gathering . . . . .

It is just around the corner....Sisters will be gathering...we can feel the excitement in the air. Chapter 2016 for the Congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph in Canada is about to begin! 

A Chapter gathering in the life of any religious congregation is a time to look ahead to see where the Spirit is guiding the group.  Where is God calling us forward? To what do we continue to commit ourselves? The theme for this year's Chapter is: 'We are not finished yet...and neither is God' and this is the lens through which we will contemplatively dialogue through the week of Sept 11-16. 

In light of the many crises facing the world today, we also are moving forward with living with a spiritual and practical focus on enhancing, engaging and supporting crucial relationships with Earth.

Towards the end of the week, we will elect a new Congregational Leadership Circle to lead us through the next four years. Over 100 Sisters of St Joseph from Hamilton, London, Pembroke, Peterborough and beyond will participate in this important gathering with a representative group of our Associates/Companions present for part of the time.

We will also celebrate and thank the five generous Sisters who have led us through these first four years as a new congregation. They are an inspiration to us all and we will continue to hold Veronica, Loretta, Jean, Anne and Joan with grateful hearts.

Your prayers are greatly appreciated during this special time in the life of our new congregation.

Nancy Sullivan, CSJ