…and Our Hearts Are Expanding Too…

Yes. The planets and stars are aligning, at least in my own heart.  When one of our Sisters read my January blog, “The Expanding Universe”, she replied, “Yes, Jean, the universe is expanding and so are our hearts”.  Her words drew me up short as I stopped to notice with shock how deeply I was moved by her statement.

Ah, ha! So that’s what’s been happening to me!  If it’s occurring in me, then it must be taking place in you too.  In fact, it must be growing in all our hearts if we but take the time to stop and notice the quiet, interior movement in ourselves.

Somehow, I believe that if we can part the heavy curtains on our bleak, negative, unending news reports, we can glimpse a sea of goodness in what seems like a Godforsaken world.  I sense that there is a tsunami of love coursing through the universe.  This goodness is so noticeable that examples barely need to be repeated.  Our families are hopefully havens of peace and security.  Our friends are loving and supportive in times of joy and sorrow.  Our villages, towns and cities are filled with people of good will. The work long hours to provide for their families while serving on city councils, volunteer activities and church outreach to assist the public. They watch to keep the streets safe and promote healthy lifestyles.  In spite of unknown risks, our own London City Council voted unanimously in January 2017 to become a sanctuary city.  If that doesn’t speak volumes to testify for our expanding hearts and the desire for peace, love and good will, I don’t know what does.

As we reach out in hope to the future beyond our fears and imaginings, we learn to trust God. Our anxieties are allayed and we sense a peace and inner expansiveness that radiates out into the world to embrace what lies ahead.

As we boldly dare to go forward in joy, we sing the words of Jesus found in St. John’s Gospel: “The light shines on in the darkness and the darkness will never overcome it”. Let’s sing God’s song and dance God’s dance.  Let’s hold on to hope; let’s hold on to peace; let’s hold on to love.  It becomes clear. The universe is expanding and so are our hearts.      

Jean Moylan, CSJ