“The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many” Mt 20:28
Here we are a few weeks into Lent-this holy time of purification when we ask God to call to us, to turn us, to orient us to a life of serving God through our dear neighbour. As we try to listen each day and especially during Lent to orient our hearts to the Sun of compassion, let us ask ourselves, “What does this look like in my life? How do I serve my neighbour? How am I reaching out to those in need as the book of Christian prayer puts it ‘for those who ask and for those who are too needy to ask’. What does this conversion look like? How is it different from how I usually live?”
There is no right answer or one answer. God calls each of us to serve in a way that is uniquely ours, using the gifts given and the graces received.
One Sister I know says that Lent is her favourite season of the year. While I am personally somewhat far from experiencing that sentiment, I do hear what she is saying: this time of purification, service and compassion is a gift to be received, an opportunity offered for us to further nurture the relationships in each of our lives. As we do so, let us consider adopting this as our way of being not just during Lent but throughout the year.
Nancy Sullivan CSJ