If ever there was a need for a world day of prayer, it’s now. In a world swimming in a morass of crime, hate, war, persecution and uncertainty, it’s heartening to see a Christian group of predominately women from around the world meeting to participate in ecumenical worship services in churches across the globe. This year, the World Day of Prayer Committee of Zimbabwe prepared the service which was distributed world-wide and adapted by inter-church councils.
Usually celebrated on the first Friday of March, the service this year consists of songs/hymns, scripture readings and reflection intertwined with messages and information about Zimbabwe, in the heart of southern Africa. Although the World Day of Prayer movement has been active for nearly 100 years, it was introduced in Zimbabwe in 1962 and celebrated all over Zimbabwe by many Christian churches, universities, organizations and schools.
As part of the annual services, a collection is taken up to fund World Day of Prayer in Canada as well as for projects to restore hope to women touched by injustice. The Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada grants up to $5,000 per project.
Our Zimbabwean women and their global sisters unite during the World Day of Prayer to call us to act in love for peace and reconciliation.
If you wish to attend a prayer service in your city, please go to The Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada website.
-Sr Jean Moylan, csj