Think About It.

There is a saying that “little things mean a lot ”. 

A gesture of kindness, a thoughtful word,

an understanding look, a smile, a compassionate touch.

These are universal human experiences

that give meaning to life and hope for the journey. 

Think about it.  

Sometimes “the little things” take more effort, more generosity, 

more empathy than some ostentatious act.   

Small acts of kindness require reflection. 

Small acts of kindness decide what really matters.

Small acts of kindness satisfy a hungry heart.

Small acts of kindness make faith a verb. 

Think about it.

When we  acknowledge the Source of that energizing love, 


Act with new vision 

Breathe the breath of God,

Cull the cosmic depths,

Dance with the universe,

Effect positive change.

 Think  about  it.

-Sister Pat Hogan, csj