70 years as a Sister of St. Joseph - now that’s something to celebrate! And we did just that on Sunday, September 27th. The five Sisters pictured here entered our congregation at Hamilton and London in 1950 as beautiful young women eager to give their lives entirely to God through loving service to the dear neighbor without distinction. Throughout the years, they have lived their vows of poverty by sharing all things in common, chastity seen in self-emptying love, and obedience in discerning God’s call in the depths of their hearts and in collaboration with the needs of the congregation.
This generous group of jubilarians puts their vows into practice in loving service to God’s people these many years through their various ministries in healthcare, education, and leadership of the congregation to name a few. They served throughout Canada and abroad in mission territory in Guatemala and Jamaica.
In her welcome at Eucharist, Sr. Nancy referred to the 70th anniversary year as a platinum celebration. Our jubilarians have displayed in their lives the qualities of platinum: unique, strong, steadfast, flexible, and gifted. These traits, along with their deep faith throughout the years, make them our special wisdom women. Happy Anniversary, Sisters!