In 1997, Pope St. John Paul II instituted “World Day of Consecrated Life” as a day of prayer for women and men in consecrated life. This feast on February 2nd is attached to Candlemas Day, on which candles are blessed symbolizing the light of Christ to all peoples. The Pope wanted to emphasize the gift of consecrated persons to the world and urged them to be, “true experts of communion and to practice the spirituality of communion” (Vita consecrate, n.46).
Today, in “Laudato si” Pope Francis invites us to be “architects of universal brotherhood, custodians of the common home: of the earth and every creature” (cf. Encyclical “Laudato si”). He elaborates in “Fratelli Tutti,” “Be brothers and sisters towards all, regardless of faith, culture and tradition” (FT n. 100). In other words, be ministers to the dear neighbor without distinction as our founder, Fr. Medaille directed in 1650.
Of course, the groundwork for the ability to be what is urged in papal encyclicals begins in the life of every individual religious congregation. In a 2017 video, “Why We Love Our Vocation,” newer members were asked why they love their vocation. Their answers resonated with my own experience. For example, “It’s freedom to be in love with God and available for God’s people.” “It’s an opportunity to show a different way of being in the world.” “You pour your life into God and God pours life back into you.” “It’s living with people who have similar values and support each other.” An enthusiastic young seminarian declared, “Consecrated life is an adventure” and a dancing young Sister enthused, “It’s living in the joy of the Gospel.”
“standing on the shoulders of the ones who came before me.”
As for myself, reflecting on my 54 years in consecrated life, I have been blessed in every way, “standing on the shoulders of the ones who came before me.” I am a part of the valiant women who strive to grow deeper into God every day. Our overflow of God’s steadfast love pours into the world in service to God’s people. Living in community can try my patience but it expands my mind and heart. Loving support surrounds me. If push comes to shove, I can reach out to any Sister and receive unconditional love. If I am healthy, I’m encouraged to develop my talents in service to the dear neighbor. If I am ill, I’m surrounded by healing care.
Father Hardy, Sister Jean, Sister Yvonne and Mary Jo at Sister Jean’s 50th Jubilee
I love how we support each other in happiness and sorrow. At jubilees, we can blow off the chapel roof with joyful song and celebration. In death, we are accompanied with prayer and solemnity.
Consecrated life is an amazing global network of generous vowed women and men leaving their nets and following Christ to minister to others in the joy of the Gospel. Be assured that in the lyrics of Earth Mama, each of us can say, “I will stand a little taller, I will work a little longer and my shoulders will be there to hold the ones who follow me.”
-Sister Jean Moylan, csj
Sisters of St. Joseph, Community Photo, 1993