In the scriptures, Jesus reminds us of the care of the Father for each of us, as well as, the birds and the flowers. (Matthew 6:26, Luke 12:27). We, in northern Canada, are so blessed with the beauty of creation.
Earth Day encompasses not only nature, but all aspects of our Mother Earth. Again, as we think and reflect on our life in the North, we are aware of how blessed we are to know and be in relationship with people from many countries of the world. We are indeed, interconnected and interrelated! And in times of hardship, sorrow, and sometimes utter disbelief, we turn, in unity to prayer.
In November 2018, I made a retreat called Boundless Compassion facilitated by Joyce Rupp. The setting was the beautiful Bowen Island, British Columbia. One of the days of the retreat was dedicated to Compassion for Creation. Joyce invited us to go for a walk and have a conversation with something in creation. In this conversation, we were encouraged to listen, more than speak. The following is what a tree stump shared with me.
November 28, 2018 Tree Stump tells me about herself:
This tree stump in my yard is a feeder for birds in winter and a garden in summer. Below, images from my surroundings.
“Well, at one time, I was one of the tall trees on the property. I could see far over the water. My branches would even touch my brothers and sisters. But there came a time that I needed to be cut down…and that is a story for another time.
Did you know that the beautiful part of our life as trees, is that, although we lose our crowning glory of branches and foliage, we remain connected in and through our root system?
Now my role is quite different. Did you notice the tiny mushrooms growing on my side? I am somewhat of a nurse giving life. And ants come and burrow and carry off sawdust. I think the tinge of green lichen or moss gives a certain decorative beauty. I can still see the water and hear the birds and even now and then a seagull or black bird will rest on me. I am happy in my old age!”
Today I encourage you to have a conversation with Mother Earth. Remember to listen.
Creator of all living beings, we desire the restoration of the health of Mother Earth. As wise stewards of all that you have entrusted to us, we resolve to evaluate our lifestyle and patterns of consumption in order to make necessary changes. Provident God, we are partners with you. By the power of your Spirit, fill us with courage and conviction as we take responsible action to ensure the sustainability of our Earth. We pray in the name of Jesus who shows us the way. Amen.
(Adapted from “An Earth Day Prayer Service”)
Blessings, Sister Maggie Beaudette, CSJ