Easter Monday - Women of the Gospels

A week of festivity, a week of story telling to enliven our witnessing, listening and discerning.

The octave of Easter beckons us to be immersed in the gift of life and the presence of Divine Love.

Women of the Gospels

Two Marys approach the tomb with heart heaviness.

The sadness of loss of a good friend, a mentor, a healer courses through their beings.

As they approach, the unexpected happens – the stone is rolled away, the tomb is empty, a voice speaks. “Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here.” (Matthew 28:5)

Over these past months how often we have looked for Divine Presence in the midst of our fragmented world, wondering where God is in the midst of such suffering, war, violence, abuse.

The ache in our hearts is only eased by the goodwill of those who seek change, who strive for equality, inclusiveness, who stem violence. The hope held out by the Living Spirit alive within community.

These are the ones who reflect the light of Divine Presence in our midst, whether they resonate and shimmer with the light of the risen Christ, or the All-benevolent ever Merciful God, or Shekinah.

The two Marys heard the message: “He has been raised from the dead, and indeed he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him.”

They left the tomb quickly, and with great joy ran to tell others.

-Sister Loretta Manzara, csj

 Hymn: CBW 385 Christ is Alive!