Coming to the end of 2022 and preparing to enter a new year of 2023, I was struck by a recent quote from the Daily Reflections of Richard Rohr. He wrote, what is, is the great teacher. A few wonderings came to mind around my responsibility and how I am being called to respond to what it is that is my great teacher today. What is it that I am to learn from these wonderings?
Image: Unsplash/Max Kukurudziak
On the global stage there has been a deepening awareness of oneness with our Ukrainian neighbors. Many of the world powers are sending food and necessities of life as well as the needed armaments to repel the daily attacks on innocent people. In Canada, our country is welcoming Ukrainian women and children and providing safe accommodations, education and emotional support. These expressions of kindness call me to also look at other folks, such as refugees and immigrants from Afghanistan, Somalia, Haiti, Syria, who are also called neighbor. I hope that my small effort in welcoming a single mother and her young son to our transition home will lead to a lasting and long- term friendship.
Image: Unsplash/Matt Collamer
There is the growing concern for safety and well-being of the unhoused. These homeless people live rough in our city parks and on vacant public land. The homeless phenomena are visible in every city in our province and even in small towns. Contrary to what is often spoken or printed in our newspapers, homelessness is not a personal choice. Even I know someone who is one paycheck away from living on the street or in a shelter where she does not feel safe. I realize that solving this crisis will take time and energy on the part of committed citizens in many cities. However, I believe I am being called to see without judgment the person standing in front of me. Stopping for a small encounter or a chat might be welcomed and allow that person to feel connected with another human being even if only for a moment.
“I believe I am being called to see without judgment the person standing in front of me.”
Oftentimes, many of us say or have heard others use the phrase, it is what it is, trying to put into words a response to situations that are happening personally or globally. Entering into the new year of 2023, could we attend to the question what is this event or situation trying to teach me?
Sister Ann MacDonald, CSJ