How dare we call this Good Friday! And yet we do. Why?
It is difficult to imagine the sadness and overwhelming grief of walking with a loved one through pain, suffering and death unless you have been there. Today as we walk with Jesus to Calvary, we may have some inkling of what the disciples were going through. This year, at this holiest of seasons, we have far too many clear pictures of innocent victims in so many nations around the world. Balancing our days by being lovingly aware and yet not crippled with grief is a challenge. Can we be brave enough to stand at the foot of their crosses in prayer and appropriate action with all these victims; or with one?
“because we know the end of the story”
Despite the agony of Jesus, His followers and now those who suffer in the name of “religion” find triumph in Jesus’ final message. We must not meet evil with evil but with love, compassion, and courage. Accept gratefully the graces of this season and move purposefully forward because we know the end of the story. I trust in Jesus’ message of hope.
-Maureen Condon, CSJ Associate
Image: Alicia Quan/Unsplash