Here Comes Summer

The calendar announces, “Two weeks until summer”, but I’m sure it’s already here.  The early rising sun peaks in my window at six a.m., beckoning me to go for a morning walk.  The birds are chirping in the leafy trees.  Squirrels and chipmunks are jet-propelled as they scamper from tree to tree and best of all, we are having our first outdoor barbecue of the season at noon today!  Pull on the well-worn straw hats, slap on some sunscreen, don’t forget your sunglasses.  Head toward the beautiful, enclosed garden, lured by the sizzling aroma of burgers on the grill.  We’ve been waiting for this summer ritual for months.

Last year, whenever a barbecue sign was posted, it always ended with, “in the dining room”. Rain prevented our backyard party every time.  Today will be different; yesterday’s sunny hours said so.

This morning, here I am, preparing to head for our first summer cookout.  I pull back the curtains and survey my kingdom.  What’s this I see? Heavy clouds fill the sky.  I run to check the sign.  There I read the fatal words, “in the dining room”.  Foiled again.  Guess I’ll have to wait until summer begins.

-Sister Jean Moylan, csj