It takes a whole community…
The city of London, Ontario could learn from the people in the Maritime provinces when it comes to helping each other. I am speaking about the response of people rolling up their sleeves to help in large and small ways to address the devastation that has hit so many individuals and families who are dealing with the effect of Hurricane Fiona. We in London are facing a homelessness crisis. We need to come together and to find a humane way to work with the people who are without food and shelter. The solution the City of London has applied to shut down this program at the Baptist Church on Richmond St. due to a bylaw violation will not change much. This may satisfy a few people who live or work in this area, but it is not the solution that is needed to create real change for everyone but most especially for those who need shelter, food and a lot of understanding.
Image: Unsplash/Jon Tyson
As the colder weather approaches us, this is not a problem that can be kicked down the road for a new council. This is problem that all of us, who are a part of London, need to listen to and understand the multiple perspectives of many people. People of faith communities, people at City Hall, people who are homeless, businesses in the downtown, neighbours, agencies, health care people and likely others who I have not named have ideas. This is a challenge facing all who live in the city - in which a simple or “one size fits all” solution will not address the crisis.
I would advocate that we start coming together to talk to each other and even more importantly, listen to each other. I believe hidden in the spaces of such conversations are spaces for some new and innovative ideas to emerge.
“I wonder if…” ideas worth considering could help us all move forward together. We will all be better for it.
Sister Joan Atkinson, CSJ | Office for Systemic Justice