Last Friday afternoon a presentation by Paul Baines, our Blue Communities Program Manager, and Glen Caradus, was held at Mount St. Joseph in Peterborough for Sisters, Associates and Staff. We gathered to participate in an interactive game to learn more about the ‘waters’ surrounding our City of Peterborough and its local area.
A large map with various symbols decorated the floor of the gathering space –with our waterways as the focus. The game was created by Glen (Caradus) in collaboration with First Peoples of Curve Lake to explain how the land and water are essential to all of life and that we need to give reverence to it and respect and learn what the water is wanting to teach us.
Sisters Ann and Kitty | Photos: Sr Ann Karges
Teams were set and dice thrown to determine what square on the map the team would move to. On the spot where the dice landed various questions were asked - about Ecology, Indigenous life, Nature, and if you drew a Chance card then the Team was asked to sing a song that was sung at a campfire.
The afternoon passed quickly and there was appreciation for the creative way of getting people involved and of course some of our competitive nature came to the fore when it came to winning!
Below we share a video, An Adventure in Understanding, a beautiful reflection and understanding about our local water sources.
Sister Ann MacDonald, csj
Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada Proud to be a Blue Community.