To borrow the invitation from a hearing aid company, is it time for Canada to “Listen”?
To what are we called to listen in light of the hundreds of unmarked graves discovered on the grounds of former residential schools? The unmasking of this reality suggests that the general public has been deafened and deliberately prevented from hearing the voices of the Indigenous peoples of this land. This needs to stop.
It is interesting to note how “listening” seems to be a theme that is emerging on several fronts:
Pope Francis has begun a two year Synod in which he calls Bishops to listen to what the people in their dioceses are saying.
Retired Senator Murray Sinclair states, of the Residential School System that “The survivors… had been trying to get their message out for a long time,” says Chancellor Sinclair. “They were talking to the media. They were talking to the general public. They would talk to whoever would listen to them, but no one picked up on that message. Partly, I think, because there were so many people who just didn't believe that it could happen in this country.”
The Jesuit social form is providing “Listening to Indigenous Voices, A Dialogue Guide on Justice and Right Relationships”
The release of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s report (TRC) in Dec. 2015, calls all Canadians to “listen up” and to ACT in the 94 Calls to Action that are proposed.
““Those of us who have benefited from colonization have a responsibility to address the system that has enriched us by stealing the land and lives of Indigenous Peoples. The first steps in this process are to listen deeply to what Indigenous Peoples are saying to us, to open ourselves to be transformed by their words, and to act based on what they are telling us to address injustices.” ”
From just these few examples, we can appreciate that listening is absolutely necessary for a nation, for a Church, to move toward reconciliation and transformation.
So, let’s listen up with open minds and hearts and see if what we hear moves us to genuine action for a better Canada, a reformed Church, and a personal transformation.
-Sister Kathleen Lichti