Long Live the Lazy

Regular followers of our blog posts are aware that I have a propensity for using taglines as the starting point for my shared reflections. In that vein,  La-Z-boy furniture company launched its new tagline, “Long Live the Lazy.” Coincidentally, I first heard the now repeated line last Saturday.

Part of my weekly routine is my habit of enjoying a “me day” on Saturdays. Reflecting on the tagline, the word lazy piqued my interest. Professor Google provided me with multiple synonyms for lazy. As you have noticed, many of them have a strong, negative connotation such as slothful, good-for-nothing and negligent. I was a little more committed to being lazy when the professor introduced me to the word otiose. The Oxford Dictionary states the adjective otiose as, “serving no practical purpose or result.” Truthfully, as the term ‘Me Day” indicates, Saturday is my one day to set my list of tasks aside and enjoy a day of leisure, thus availing myself of a set time for living life in the spirit of “Long Live the Lazy.”

This restful otiose approach to life was first recorded in Genesis where God took a “Me Day” also.

-Sister Nancy Wales, CSJ

Image: Angelina Kichukova @anynieel/Unsplash