Part III in a Series on Meditation and Faith
Father John Main writes “The most important thing to know about meditation is how to meditate”. The why is also important, but first know the how. The link below, by Paul Demeyer is 9 minutes and gives good information on the practice.
The mantra, maranatha, means Come Lord Jesus. It is Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke. When I explained that on one occasion a young student asked, when did Jesus learn English? A great question from an engaged student which brought a smile to my face.
I think of the mantra as an ego suppressant as it takes the spotlight of consciousness off ourselves. Father Laurence Freeman describes it as a bloodless sacrifice, a dying to self. However, distractions are sure to come, stay calm and focused and return to saying the mantra when you become aware that you are distracted. Don’t judge your prayer; be faithful to the discipline of the daily practice. Don’t look for success, meditation is an act of faith and even if you think nothing happened during your prayer, persevere. Our job is to show up, what happens during prayer is God’s business - grace. Mother Teresa is quoted as saying, “God wants fidelity not success.”
“what happens during prayer is God’s business”
Contemplation is a process of transformation writes Father Willigis Jager, osb. Over time a contemplative practice awakens in us an awareness of our false self, our shadow, our constructed self. We become aware of our biases, assumptions, beliefs, and world views that separate us and cause us to react to others in ways that put up barriers.
Image: Unsplash/Dingzeyu Li
Through fidelity in meditation gradually your whole life is changed in your attitudes, and behaviour; a peacefulness that is new moves you to say, ‘Thank you Jesus’ keep it coming.
-Sister Ann Marshall, csj
Sister Ann Marshall works on Christian Meditation in the classroom, in partnership with teachers in the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board.
Image: Unsplash Colton Sturgeon