Not long ago, Sr. Eileen Foran sent me her final submission for our website blog. It was short and inspiring, using an economy of words, as was her style. At 96 and dealing with health issues, Sister knew her days were numbered. However, she continued to send messages and phone calls to dear friends until shortly before her death.
Sister Eileen
When finally confined to her bed, Sister slept most of the time and put her COVID mask over her eyes for comfort. As I sat with her the night she peacefully died, I noticed the mask had been replaced by an attractive, black velvet mask bearing the eloquently written words, “Sleeping Beauty”. How apt it was for a loving, faith-filled, compassionate woman who died as had lived – beautiful and gentle to the end.
Thank you, dear Sister Eileen, for sharing your poetry and creative writing gifts on our website.
Rest in peace, dear Sleeping Beauty.
-Sister Jean Moylan, CSJ