
Psalms of Lament in the Desert of Our Lives

During this Lenten season, as we reflect on Jesus’ time in the wilderness, we may recall our own times of inner emptiness. How often the Beloved weeps with compassion over those who are in deep sorrow and pain. God is ever ready to lighten our heavy hearts and to ease our burdens.

As I fondly remember my brother, John, on the anniversary of his sudden death, I present to you a psalm-prayer that I composed to help me put into words the anguish of my own grief. Over time, I have experienced that God has yet again raised us up and has not let our fears overwhelm us. 


Out of the depths of my being I cry aloud to You!

God, in your compassion, hear my sorrowful lament!

Let your heart be moved by your attentive listening to the voice of my anguished supplications.

To You I pour out my soul!

Our family knows of your steadfast love and faithful presence, Gracious One!

In the storms of our lives, You have been our refuge from one generation to the next.

We, your children, have found shelter and strength in your nurturing embrace.

For You alone are able to put our fears to rest, and transform them into peace.

As I ponder the mystery of life and death, I remember your Word: “Whatever the measure of our days; our life passes as a blinking of an eye! For the gift of life fades too soon away, yet how precious we are in your sight!”

John’s life among us was a cherished treasure from You. John is yours! His spirit has now been set free to soar as he is welcomed by You into new, unending life! Comforter of the widow and orphan, console John’s young wife and their children. Encircle them with your healing Light and enfold them in Your Love.

Indwelling God, we cried for help and You revealed your abiding presence to us. We will forever offer You songs of praise and thanksgiving!

You may find it helpful to compose a psalm-prayer for yourself to express your own experience(s). Use your own method or check out the this PDF “How to Write A Psalm”

Kathy O'Keefe, CSJ