“So even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream.” - MLK
IMAGE: Unsplash/Daniel Lloyd Blunk-Fernández
Today, August 28th, we join our neighbours to the south in celebrating the anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s celebrated speech, "I Have a Dream”. This speech was delivered on Aug. 28, 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.
Watching the nightly news, 60 years after delivery of this inspiring speech are we not puzzled by the diverse dreams Americans envision for their country?
Do we experience that the local, global, and personal realities we ourselves face in the present and perceived future challenge us? Must we avoid what is happening around us and within us to dampen our spirits. Must we band together to bolster our own ability to utter with confidence a positive dream of better times to come. Must we not follow our common dreams and allow them to urge us to work interdependently to take steps to turning once only dreams into concrete realities which better the common good?
How might we finish the phrase, “I have a dream”… for ourselves, our locale, the world?
-Sister Nancy Wales, CSJ
Header Image, Unsplash: Stephen Walker