
Imagining a future world though the lens of sports…

The second round of world class sporting activity has begun in Rio. The opening ceremonies of the Para-Olympics was spectacular. I am looking forward to watching the incredible and truly inspiring efforts of these athletes who remind us of what we are capable of as humans even when barriers are put in our way. Sometimes it is these challenges that remind us that we all can do more. If we are attentive we can be awakened to new possibilities.

This came home to me as I watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics in August. Much of the media attention before the opening focused on the environmental concerns wondering if Rio was the wrong place to host the Olympics when the world would be watching. Could Rio meet the challenge? Many were doubting. However, it was artists that called our attention to the environment and offered a new perspective. Not only do we come from the five continents, traditionally represented by the different coloured interlocking rings of the Olympic symbol, but they ended the ceremony with five interlocking rings of green leaves. In other words, the ecological crisis facing our planet is not a competition between us, but something that we all have to work together if we are to survive into the future. What a hope-filled message to send to people from all around the world. The challenges we face, are more than competition, but a crisis that requires great collaboration. And we need our artists to both inspire us and open our minds and hearts to such future.

The athletics who took part in the opening ceremonies yesterday are ones who have already overcome incredible challenges to compete. If they can do this should we not all search our own imaginations to reach beyond today and work together to build a more sustainable future for all.  

Joan Atkinson, CSJ