Our image of God creates us – or defeats us. There is an absolute connection between how we see God and how we see ourselves and the universe.
Richard Rohr
Image: Jeremy Yap/Unsplash
I was inspired to share this inspiring article from the Center for Action and Contemplation. The article is by Eboo Patel, founder of the Interfaith Youth Core.
The article describes how asking youth to share with each other stories from their diverse religions, how values held by all of them can lead to joint participation in a service project that implements these values.
You can find this inspiring and hopeful article here.
-Sister Pat McKeon, csj
To Explore Further. . . Read Richard on interspirituality and solidarity.
Francis of Assisi knew that the finite manifests the infinite, and the physical is the doorway to the spiritual…. Heaven includes earth and earth includes heaven. There are not sacred and profane things, places, and moments. There are only sacred and desecrated things, places, and moments – and it is we alone who desecrate them by our lack of insight and reverence. It is one sacred universe, and we are all a part of it. In terms of a spiritual vision, we really cannot get any better or simpler than that.
Richard Rohr
There is no map for the landscape of loss, no established itinerary, no cosmic checklist, where each item ticked off gets you closer to success. You cannot succeed in mourning your loved ones. You cannot fail. Nor is grief a malady like the flu. You will not get over it. You will only come to integrate your loss… The death of a beloved is an amputation. You find a new center of gravity, but the limb does not grow back.
Richard Rohr.