Spiritual Ministries Network

Associates and Sisters Pause to Ask, “What’s Next”?

Working alongside the Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada are women and men who form a group known as Associates/Companions.  Since the 1650 foundation of the CSJ community in Le Puy, France, lay women (and now men) have joined with the Sisters in a diversity of ways carrying out a common mission through loving, caring and compassionate service. 

The London Associates were founded about 30 years ago. In collaboration with the Sisters, they developed a Spiritual Ministries Network in 2007 to facilitate adult spirituality promoting growth in body, mind and spirit.  The Network promotes activities such as spiritual direction, retreat opportunities, art experiences and massage therapy, to name a few.

Recently, a group of Sisters and Associates gathered in our London residence for a day of reflection to review the Spiritual Network’s purpose and to consider where it is being called in 2020.  Will it continue offering public lectures, workshops and such initiatives? They also pondered what new initiatives might be beckoning for attention. Sharing discussions about issues that really matter is a rewarding experience.

At the conclusion of the retreat day, through contemplative dialogue, reflection, deep listening and sharing, the Spiritual Ministries Network Council renewed its commitment to adult spiritual growth, particularly to adults aged 18-35 as a predominant focus area.  The Network will look for opportunities to engage with youth in new and generative ways that meet the needs that are revealed.

The Spiritual Ministries Network would love to hear from youth yearning to deepen their purpose on earth through loving, caring and compassionate being in the world.  We encourage youth to seek further information on this emerging initiative. Interested? Contact the Spiritual Ministries Network. Mary Shamley is our Coordinator of Spiritual Ministries Network.  (519) 432-3781 x567

 - Sr. Jean Moylan