
International Workers Day

  “The dignity of labour depends not on what you do, but on how you do it.”

~ Edwin Osgood Grower

In many countries, International Workers Day is celebrated on May 1st, to acknowledge the contributions of workers, their gains, and struggles. In the United States and Canada, Labour Day, the first Monday of September, marks this observance. However, the first of May is better known to the Sisters of St. Joseph, as the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, instituted by Pope Pius XII in 1955.  

We Sisters mark May 1st by recognizing the everyday contributions made by our staff whose daily work positively impacts our lives and ministries. On the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, our London staff are invited to join us in the chapel as an occasion to express our gratitude to the entire staff and for our Annual Staff Service Awards. This year, fourteen employees ranging (in intervals of five- year periods), from 10 years to 30 years of service will be honoured. It is a festive occasion with family and friends invited to attend. A moving part of the ceremony centres on each award recipient being personally thanked by one of the Sisters and presented with a gift to mark the occasion. The generous years of each recipient`s service is acknowledged by warm applause from all present. Following the ceremony, an informal reception is held in the dining room.

Amid the enjoyment of refreshments, Sisters circulate among the employees to express their personal thanks and deep appreciation on a one-to-one basis. Our annual service award celebration is an excellent opportunity to offer gratitude and appreciation to the dedicated employees of the Congregation of Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada.

-Sister Nancy Wales, CSJ

IMAGE: John Salvino/Unsplash