UN Goals

UN Women – Women Voices Growing Stronger

UN Women – Women Voices Growing Stronger

The United Nations on the Status of Women will soon hold their Commission on the Status of Women in 2022.  It will likely be online meetings, but it allows me to pause to better understand the work that has been accomplished by women around the world and how much has yet to be done.  No one person is responsible for the progress that has been made, but the work of so many women, along with men is needed to close the gaps that exist for women’s equality and human rights. 

The United Nations Under-Secretary and Executive Director of the Women, Phumizile Alanbo Ngcuka has stated so well:

“The Commission has recognized the importance of removing structural barriers to women’s empowerment, including ending all forms of violence against women; and harassment of women and girls everywhere, be it in the public or private space.  We have recognized that violence against women is an impediment to full equality, as well as to women’s economic empowerment.  We also recognized the importance of ensuring that all the structural impediments to women’s economic empowerment are addressed…  We have to start at home, by ensuring that there is an enabling environment for women’s economic justice and women’s empowerment.”

During this pandemic time, the curtain has been pulled back on how much more is needed to fully achieve equality and the many goals of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.  We cannot wait until… We each must do what we can to right the wrongs of the past.  If “no one is to be left behind” in this recovery or rebuilding, then we each must do something.  What can you do?

-Sister Joan Atkinson, CSJ, Office for Systemic Justice